How to Use Social Bookmarking Sites List for SEO

Social Bookmarking falls under the Off-Page strategy of Search Engine Optimization. As most of us know seo is branched into 2 different zones - 
  1. On-Page SEO, and
  2. Off-Page SEO.
This link building tactic is so popular that sites like , Digg literary get several links in just a matter of minutes. However, in spite of being such a popular off-page strategy several people end up doing it in a wrong way. And ultimately end up getting into bad link neighborhoods leading to algorithm penalty.

Here's how to Submit Your Links properly on Social Bookmarking Sites

1) Selecting the best quality dofollow social bookmarking sites -

is really searching for a needle in the haystack. Luckily to give you an edge over high pr link building sites we keep updating our very own updated list of social bookmarking sites. The sites that we maintain in our list is completely SPAM free! Because just like you we also HATE SPAM!

2) Its time to Register an Account -

We all know how to register a brand new account. However, registering with your keyword in the username works for some social bookmarking sites. Not many webmasters really know about seo that well so they allow the indexing of registered users! This really helps in the long run when search engine bots complete crawling of the entire site.

Now that we know about using Social Bookmarking Sites List for improving our seo campaign let us discuss the link building inititatives that you can take to support the website. As link building campaigns evolve the complexities of ranking websites on Google and other major search engines also increases. In the last Google Update the websites that had lost their rankings has returned to their original state and those website that had got unfair advantage is not pushed further back into the search engine results pages.

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